Dear MARVEL'ers,
Please find below our latest newsletter, with highlights and news linked to the MARVEL community.
This month, read about the use of DFT+U+V for accurate electronic properties of olivine-type Li-ion cathode materials, opening the door for the study of more complex cathode materials as well as for a reliable exploration of the chemical space of compounds for Li-ion batteries. Moreover, you can learn about how theory-guided design has identified single-phase high entropy alloys with appealing properties. You can also read the perspective of MARVEL's Michele Ceriotti on integrated machine learning models for materials recently published in MRS Bulletin.
You will learn that a MARVEL-led consortium of researchers from PSI, Empa and ETH Zurich has won ETH Board funding of almost 1.3 million Swiss francs for a project meant to further develop existing Open Research Data practices.
Michael Schüler, professor at the University of Fribourg and group leader at PSI, has joined MARVEL for phase III, and you can read his portrait. We also welcome four new INSPIRE Potentials Fellows who are joining MARVEL labs!
We want to wish you all a happy and safe holiday season. We hope that you enjoy the winter and wish you all the best for the new year 2023!