Elusive quasiparticle discovered in diphosphide materials
A team of MARVEL researchers of both the group of Prof. Oleg Yazyev at EPFL and the group of Prof. Matthias Troyer at ETHZ have predicted the existence of Weyl fermions in two Weyl semimetals, molybdenum diphosphide and tungsten diphosphide. The scientists used a high-throughput computational method screening a large database of existing materials, performing electronic-structure computations for each candidate.
New particle could form the basis of energy-saving electronics
The Weyl fermion, just discovered in the past year, moves through materials practically without resistance. Now MARVEL researchers at PSI (group of Ming Shi) and EPFL (group of Oleg Yazyev) are showing how it could be put to use in electronic components.
A novel quasi-one-dimensional topological insulator theoretically predicted and experimentally confirmed by the team of Oleg V. Yazyev
MARVEL researchers in the group of Professor Oleg V. Yazyev at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of EPFL have theoretically predicted and experimentally confirmed, the topological insulator behaviour of the beta-phase of the quasi-one-dimensional bismuth iodide, Bi4I4.
Type-II Weyl semimetals proposed by the team of Matthias Troyer
A team of researchers of Professor Matthias Troyer, group leader in MARVEL, and professor for Computational Physics at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at ETH Zurich, propose the existence of a previously overlooked type of Weyl fermion.
Volcano plots used for first time in homogeneous catalysis
For the first time ever, MARVEL researchers in the group of Clémence Corminboeuf at EPFL used volcano plots – normally used in heterogeneous catalysis research – to study homogeneous catalysis.
Graphene meets heat waves
MARVEL researchers in the group of Nicola Marzari at EPFL have shed new light on the fundamental mechanisms of heat dissipation in graphene and other two-dimensional materials. They have shown that heat can propagate as a wave over very long distances. This is key information for engineering the electronics of tomorrow.