Past events
From women's eyes
Feb 11, 2023, from 15:00 until 17:00, Online"In order to achieve full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls, the United Nations General Assembly declared February 11 as the International day of Women and Girls in Science in 2015” (from the UN website). CECAM honors this important occasion with a special afternoon dedicated to women who contributed to our field and beyond.
MARVEL Review and Retreat January 2023
Jan 18, 2023, 17:00 until Jan 20, 2023, 14:00, GrindelwaldThe ninth MARVEL Review and Retreat will take place on January 18 to 20, 2023 in the mountains in Grindelwald. The event will gather all MARVEL members, group leaders as well as postdocs and students. Presentations will show to all the community where the projects stand and what are the next steps.
MARVEL Distinguished Lecture — Heather Kulik
Dec 13, 2022, from 15:00 until 16:30, ZoomThe 32nd NCCR MARVEL Distinguished Lecture will be given by Prof. Heather Kulik, professor of chemical engineering at the MIT. She will be discussing materials discovery in challenging spaces with machine learning, from transition metal complexes to metal-organic frameworks.
CECAM-MARVEL Classics in molecular and materials modelling: Antoine Georges and Gabriel Kotliar
Dec 08, 2022, from 15:00 until 17:45, OnlineAntoine Georges (Flatiron Institute & Collège de France) and Gabriel Kotliar (Rutgers University & Brookhaven National Laboratory) will give a joint lecture on "Dynamical mean-field theory", in what will be the eighth event in the series "Classics in molecular and materials modelling" hosted by CECAM and MARVEL.
CECAM-MARVEL Classics in molecular and materials modelling: Giorgio Parisi and Marc Mézard
Nov 03, 2022, from 15:00 until 17:30, OnlineGiorgio Parisi (Università di Roma la Sapienza) and Marc Mézard (Università Bocconi Milano) will give a joint lecture on "Simulation methods for spin glasses with applications in optimization", in what will be the seventh event in the series "Classics in molecular and materials modelling" hosted by CECAM and MARVEL.
2022 Young Researchers’ Meeting (YRM) of the European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility
Sep 05, 2022, 9:00 until Sep 09, 2022, 18:00, Marseille, FranceMARVEL is supporting again this year the Young Researchers’ Meeting (YRM) of the European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility. Registration is open for this 18th edition, which will be held in Marseille (France) from 5 to 9 September 2022. Deadline on 1st of July.
Psi-k conference
Aug 22, 2022, 14:00 until Aug 25, 2022, 18:00, SwissTech Convention Center, EPFLPsi-k 2022 is the 6th general conference for the worldwide Psi-k community. Typically held every 5 years, this event is the largest worldwide in first-principles simulations. With more than 1000 participants attending the past 2010 and 2015 editions, it promises to be the most exciting, defining event in the field, offering an intense but enjoyable atmosphere, in addition to a chance to explore the beautiful region around Lausanne and Lake Geneva.
Swiss Equivariant Machine Learning Workshop
Jul 11, 2022, 9:00 until Jul 14, 2022, 17:00, CECAM, LausanneMachine learning (ML) based atomistic models are often faced with the challenge of learning physical or chemical properties that have well-defined transformations (equivariance) under translation, rotation, and reflections of the corresponding atomic structures. The last few years have seen significant progress on enhancing ML approaches by including symmetry preserving operations, which has led to noteworthy improvements in both the accuracy and data-efficiency of models predicting physical quantities.
2022 Summer camp for high-school students
Jun 27, 2022, 9:00 until Jul 01, 2022, 17:00, EPFL, LausanneThe 1-week camp entitled Des atomes aux ordinateurs, à la découverte de la programmation scientifique is open to teenagers in the last two years of high-school, with no high-level in maths or physics prerequisite. A prior knowledge of the basics of programming is recommended. It is possible to acquire these notions independently if necessary (within 3-4 hours). Half of the seats are reserved for young women.
First-Principles Modelling of Defects in Solids - Workshop
Jun 13, 2022, 9:30 until Jun 15, 2022, 17:45, ETHZThe workshop will take place June 13-15, 2022 at ETH in Zurich. Apart from scientific concerns, the event aims to address environmental issues as well, and the utmost will be done to mitigate the impact of the workshop on the environment.
MARVEL Distinguished Lecture — Alán Aspuru-Guzik
May 31, 2022, from 16:00 until 17:15, ZoomThe 31st NCCR MARVEL Distinguished Lecture will be given by Prof. Alán Aspuru-Guzik, professor of chemistry and computer science at the University of Toronto, and entitled: "There is no time for science as usual: Materials Acceleration Platforms".
CECAM-MARVEL Mary Ann Mansigh series: Erich Wimmer
May 05, 2022, from 15:00 until 17:00, BCH2103, EPFL (registration required) + onlineCECAM and MARVEL present the third installment of our Mary Ann Mansigh Conversation series and invite you to meet Erich Wimmer who will be addressing the fascination and industrial value of materials modeling.